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Goals & Objectives


  1. Develop the 21st century life-long skills and character to become globally productive and competitive.
  2. Be pro-active role-players in the educative community, church, local and global society. 
  3. Transform into happy, confident and unique individuals. 

LVAI Core Values

Lavernians and all members of the educative family of La Verne Academy, Inc. are highly expected to embody and exemplify the institutional core values of the school.

*Compassion: It is love in action. Love without action is dead. Everyone is expected to be responsive to the needs of others.

*Excellence: It is setting high standards in everything one does to become good and productive citizen of our country, the Philippines and the world.

*Stewardship: It is being responsible vanguard of the environment.

*Reverence: It is the profound respect to the Creator whatever religious orientation one has, for the love and fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.




The core philosophy of LVAI is anchored on the Holy scriptures that God is the origin of Man and that Man is a substantial union of body and soul. He is endowed with emotion and intellect which make Him capable of knowing and choosing what is good, loving the good and sharing the good.

Furthermore, LVAI subscribes to the truth that man is capable of aiming at higher goals, at truth, beauty, wisdom and goodness.

He also has the capacity to conquer the world with reason, religion and kindness and be master of it rather than be dominated by it.

Above all, he is able to live a life transcending the material world and finally reaching his DESTINY – the salvation of soul.

LVAI consist of the Pre-elementary, Elementary and High School Departments. As a God-centered private school, it aims at developing and forming an educative family with a workable habitation for the human spirit. Its primary goal is the total transformation of the young through education of the heart and mind so he can grow into upright and useful Filipino Citizen and a good Christian. 

This means that the school aims at instilling aesthetic sense, habits, attitudes and values of good citizenship in consonance with God’s teachings. Equally important, it is committed to equip the young with insights, knowledge and skills appropriate to his level. Such will empower him mentally and spiritually to go out of the bigger and complex world and live a life towards the realization of his ultimate goal, the salvation of his own soul. 

LVAI would have produced graduates in the Elementary and High School Levels who are value laden, intellectually competent and spiritually upright and are able to face the complexities and challenges that may confront them in the family, school, community and the large society.


La Verne Academy stands for the solid education of both the Heart and Mind of the young. Its logo is the symbol that encompasses the mission, vision and philosophy of the school.

THE HEART – A symbol of LOVE that speaks of the school’s drive to direct the individual child to aim at higher goals, at truth, beauty and goodness rather than at the material things. 

THE CROSS – A SPIRITUAL  symbol of the school that lays the foundation of workable habitation for the human spirit so that the individual child will grow as a God-fearing and loving person. 

THE BOOK – A symbol of LIFE is the school’s statement in search of a deeper and more meaningful life so that the individual child will come to understand the purpose and meaning of his existence in this world. 

THE LAUREL LEAF – The mark of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, which the school places in its educational programs to attain excellence in equipping the young for life. 

THE MOUNTAIN – Signifies the PEAK OF KNOWLEDGE, which each LaVernian is prepared to achieve with solid foundation of heart and mind.

THE RISING SUN – A symbol of HOPE, is the grain of knowledge that springs forth at LVAI. It will produce graduates who will be”someone” and “not something”, who will be “producers” and “not products”, and who will be “movers” and “not onlookers”.

THE CIRCLE SHAPE – Is an expression of TOTALITY. The total transformation of the Child, an individual who has a well-developed mind, a purified heart and a strong will.